Who am I?
I am a dietitian with many years of experience and practice gained since 2006, when I obtained a master’s degree at Collegium Medicum UMK Bydgoszcz.
In my office, I help patients solve health challenges, support active sports people, families and everyone who wants to improve the quality of their lifestyle.
My practice includes caring for adolescents and adults. Outside the office, I am involved in various health projects, give lectures related to my field and publish articles. I also worked for two years on the creation of a science-based health app. For some time I worked as a school dietitian at the General Ballet School in Gdańsk, and as an expert I appear in the media, such as radio and television.
Since 2009, I have also been a dietitian at the Gdynia Bridge of Hope Foundation, supporting people with oncological diseases.
I am constantly expanding my knowledge at conferences and workshops, and in 2023 I completed postgraduate studies at the Lazarski University in Warsaw, majoring in “Management of health promotion and disease prevention”.
Who am I?
I am a dietitian with many years of experience and practice gained since 2006, when I obtained a master’s degree at Collegium Medicum UMK Bydgoszcz.
In my office, I help patients solve health challenges, support active sports people, families and everyone who wants to improve the quality of their lifestyle.
My practice includes caring for adolescents and adults. Outside the office, I am involved in various health projects, give lectures related to my field and publish articles. I also worked for two years on the creation of a science-based health app. For some time I worked as a school dietitian at the General Ballet School in Gdańsk, and as an expert I appear in the media, such as radio and television.
Since 2009, I have also been a dietitian at the Gdynia Bridge of Hope Foundation, supporting people with oncological diseases.
I am constantly expanding my knowledge at conferences and workshops, and in 2023 I completed postgraduate studies at the Lazarski University in Warsaw, majoring in “Management of health promotion and disease prevention”.
How do I work?
Practically. I teach how to manage your diet without unnecessary calorie counting and delving too deeply into the details of dietetics. I provide knowledge in an understandable way and tailored to the needs of each patient. I try to make my patients aware of their health and know how to take care of its prevention, but without complicating their lives with difficult concepts from the field of dietetics and medicine.
Food is one of the greatest sources of pleasure in life and it is worth making sure to enjoy it as long as possible.
You can find more information about my work and me on my social media profiles.
How can I help?
I am here to help achieve your health goals and improve the quality of life of my patients and clients.
I also offer my experience, knowledge and skills to companies and institutions.
In the office
I provide diet therapy for adults and teenagers. I will help with:
W czym mogę pomóc?
Jestem tutaj, aby pomóc w osiągnięciu celów zdrowotnych i poprawie jakości stylu życia moich pacjentów i klientów.
Poza gabinetem oferuję swoje doświadczenie, wiedzę i umiejętności firmom i instytucjom w formie:
W gabinecie prowadzę dietoterapię w:
- nadwadze i otyłości
- niedowadze
- chorobach tarczycy (niedoczynność, autoimmunologiczne zapalenie tarczycy, nadczynność)
- insulinooporności i cukrzycy (I, II, ciążowa)
- chorobach endokrynologicznych (w tym PCOS, zespoły androgenne, trądzik)
- chorobach i dolegliwościach ze strony układu pokarmowego ( w tym: IBS, refluks żołądkowo-przełykowy, choroba wrzodowa żołądka, choroby wątroby, wzdęcia, problemy z wypróżnieniem)
- w chorobach autoimmunologicznych (w tym: RZS, łuszczyca, ch. Hashimoto)
Ponadto pomogę w:
- braku / spadkach energii
- dopasowaniu żywienia do treningów sportowych
- zaprojektowaniu modelu żywienia dla rodziny
- dopasowaniu żywienia do rytmu pracy (dziennej i zmianowej)
Poza gabinetem oferuję swoje doświadczenie, wiedzę i umiejętności firmom i instytucjom w formie:
- wykładów dla pracowników
- opracowywaniu materiałów edukacyjnych, merytorycznych
- pisania artykułów
- opiniowania produktów spożywczych i wsparcie w ich promocji
- prowadzenia webinariów, podcastów, programów TV
Chętnie zaangażuję się w także projekty szkolne takie jak:
- edukacja żywieniowa uczniów i rodziców
- wykłady i spotkania w szkołach dla kadry pedagogicznej
- zmiany w stołówkach szkolnych
For patients
Payment for services
Trusted by
Gdynia, Abrahama St. 61/19
(3rd floor/elevator)
Yarielys Residence Building
Entry phone: 19 (offices: Przestrzeń. Terapia. Rozwój)
phone: 692 120 698
e-mail: gabinet@trojmiastodietetyk.pl
I’m available every Thursday at 08:00-20:00.